We have helped to transform the 20 years old system to new modern language that requires less maintenance, is more secure, configurable and doesn’t require developer involvement on setups.
Opus has a long relationship with LQA, being a strategic development partner for years and delivering complex backend, dashboard and public solutions for different business needs.
We have helped to transform the 20 years old system to new modern language that requires less maintenance, is more secure, configurable and doesn’t require developer involvement on setups. To achieve this had to dig deep to the business processes, read loads of legacy code and reverse DB logic to understand the feature set that we can simplify and generalize.
Meil on pikaajaline kogemus IT tarkvarade ja e-poodide loomises ettevõtetele alates finantssektorist kuni kindlustuse ja ravimitööstuseni. Oleme pikaajaliseks partneriks nii suurtele korporatsioonidele kui kiirelt kasvavatele startupidele.
Me soovime katta kõik Sinu veebiarenduse vajadused, et saaksid keskenduda oma ettevõtte ehitamisele ja kasvatamisele.